Chapter 1 Formalism

Posted by Lana on Wednesday, June 17, 2009

1.1 Background
. Russian formalism was deemed donated a number of important thoughts and ideas for the development of studies and research literature. Some people even assume, that ideas be formalis is peletak the basic theory of modern literature. Victor Shklovsky, Boris Eichenbaum, Roman Jakobson, and Leo Jakubinsky, is some teoritisi joined in it. With the "formal methods", which was then developed, the form of studies and research literature circles formalis was so influential in Russia around the year 1914 to 1930-an.
Pioneering theoretical work in literature is Formalis figures Al.Roman Jakobson Russian, Czech and formalis, Mukarovsky. They have a certain work of literature that has form and structure, therefore, the paper examined the literature as something that has its own structure. Formalis view of the reaction is a top view of the positivism which, among others, have experienced kausalitas relationship between the life of the author of a paper. They considered the positivme does not examine the literature but only take advantage of the research literature as a source of problems in social and cultural. One theory of folk dancing that is the theory about formalis jugglery and sequestration. Texts of literature already disulap (language), giving rise to slow the effects sequestration (mencerap) on the readers. Russian formalism this is the embryo of a Flow of Prague or Prague structuralism.
Theory formalis concentrate more on the discussion of the features of text, especially properties of the language used and the context of the creation of context receive. This means that the formalism berkosentrasi on the characteristics of literature text, the text, type text, and content of the text literature.
The characteristics of Literary Text by Jan van Luxemburg (1984:86-89) is Pragmatik, syntax, and semantics. Meanwhile, according to Jakobson function is as a text message in the communication situation. Follow-up communication is determined by the 5 fantor transmitter and receiver, message, context, code, and channel. While the types of text version because it has many opinions from various experts, the literature, but we'll take the example of the text according to the view that Jacobson has 3 features, namely:
1. Function as a literature;
2. A group of readers of the text as a result of the literature,
3. Text characterized by its own literature, namely (1) monologue text: there is a spokesperson, as the text of poetry, (2) dramatic text: there are two or more actors, such as the drama text (though not dipentaskan); (3) narrative text there is a spokesperson for (which can also provide an opportunity other actors speak). Included in this group or interpreter tale pekayat (theory of literature, 42-43)
Berdasaran it will be the conclusion, that the formalism formalism especially Russia has an important role in the research literature. Even considered as a basic formalism modren theory. However, at this time most people only know the theory of structuralism, Semiotik, Dekonstruksionisme, reception of literature, Intertekstual and others. So most people, even as we feel foreign author with this theory formalism. Even we can feel pessimistic akan complete this paper, because the first time we find in books related to the theory of literature and literary criticism, we only get little or no guidance at all from the books we read.
However, after searching through Google, it appears that many on any posts formalism, especially Russian formalism, with the titles of the books formalism. Therefore, the author tries to explain about the formalism in this paper, so readers know more theory, which is considered as a milestone this modern literary theory.

I.2 Problems
As already be in the background, so we will introduce theory formalism, from the does, basically, how it works and a sample-eg. So that the issues will be discussed in this paper are:
1. What is the formalism?
2. How is the principle that formalism?
3. How does the theory of formalism?
4. What examples of the theory formalism?

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