A Genre-based Approach to Developing Oral Skills in an Adult Thai EFL Context

Posted by Lana on Friday, July 3, 2009

Paper presented at the Fifth Pan-Asian Conference on Language Teaching at FEELTA, Vladivostok, Russia, June 20, 2004
Phil Chappell
University of Wollongong, Australia
AUA Language Centre, Thailand


This paper provides an outline of a cycle for the teaching and learning of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) oral skills, taking whole texts, or complete stretches of discourse, as the point of departure. After a discussion of the constructs of the nature of language and learning, a teaching/learning cycle is outlined. Following this, a practical application of the cycle is detailed, with data taken from a lower-intermediate adult EFL classroom lesson in a language centre for adults in Bangkok, Thailand. Preliminary observations from this data reveal several positive outcomes from using the teaching/learning cycle, as well as several areas that would benefit from a more in-depth level of inquiry.

Oracy in a Thai EFL Context

Currently, the notion of English as a Foreign Language in Asian contexts is a topic of debate, as language educators seek to redefine the role of English in countries where communication in the language is often between two interlocutors from countries where the first language is not English.[1] The construct (EFL) as used in this paper is intended to foreground the following:

Most learners are in a high enclosure context (Brown, 2001) where they do not have ready access to communicative
situations in English outside of the classroom.

Most often, when learners do use English in social, commercial and academic situations, it is with a speaker of another
Asian language.

Many learners who elect to learn English outside of the mainstream education system, i.e. in private language institutions,
do so for reasons related to future opportunities, such as for employment or travel.

The task, then, for language teachers in EFL contexts is to create socially meaningful situations within the classroom whereby learners can gain control of using English for a vast range of communicative purposes. Unlike other contexts, such as ESL ones, where the lingua franca is English, learners in EFL contexts do not have real-life exposure to the ways that English is used to “get things done” (Halliday 1994). If we consider the difference between a Thai adult in Thailand learning an everyday social practice such as returning faulty goods to a point of purchase, and another Thai adult learning the same practice in Australia, it is immediately clear that the adult in Australia can not only try out the practice in “real life”, but can also observe how it is done by experts in “real life”. The same learner in Thailand does not have these ready-made opportunities, and is left at the mercy of the language teacher to create the situations within the classroom arena.

It is against this backdrop that a text-based syllabus (Feez, 1998) informed by a social theory of language (Bakhtin, 1952/1986; Halliday, 1978) and learning (Wood, et. al., 1974; Vygotsky, 1978), and utilising a teaching/learning cycle (Feez, 1998; Macken et. al. 1993) that is explicit in its coverage of the relationship between contexts of language use and forms and functions of language within those contexts has been applied to an EFL classroom.

A Social Model of Language

As outline above, curriculum objectives in Thai EFL contexts are most likely to focus on the communicative potential of language learning, rather than foregrounding the formal properties of the language. Therefore, a view of language as a systemic resource for acting on and in the world seems appropriate for this teaching/learning context. Russian language philosopher Mikhail Bakhtin (1952/1986) outlines this view quite succinctly:

All the diverse areas of human activity involve the use of language. Quite understandably, the nature and forms of this use are just as diverse as are the areas of human activity… Language is realized in the form of individual concrete utterances (oral and written) by participants in the various areas of human activity. These utterances reflect the specific conditions and goals of each such area not only through their content (thematic) and linguistic style, that is, the selection of the lexical, phraseological, and grammatical resources of the language, but above all through their compositional structure. All three of these aspects – thematic content, style, and compositional structure – are inseparably linked to the whole of the utterance and are equally determined by the specific nature of the particular sphere of communication. Each separate utterance is individual, of course, but each sphere in which language is used develops its own relatively stable types of these utterances. These we may call speech genres. (Bakhtin, 1986, p.60)

Within his discussion of the nature of language, Bakhtin acknowledges the social nature of language in human activity, the social purpose of the activity and the language choices made by the interlocutors, the explicit recognition of a lexical and grammatical system linked to meaning making, and the argument that within a culture, there exists relatively stable types of texts (genres). This view resonates with the “sociosemiotic” theory of language developed by Halliday (1978), and which informs much of the application of genre pedagogy in Australia today[2], of which the main components are:

—Language is a resource for making meaning.

—Users of the language construct texts to make meaning.

—The meaning potential of a language system is represented in its context of culture; “…the entire semantic system of the language” (Halliday, 1978, p. 109), and its context of situation, “…the environment in which the text comes to life” (1978, p. 109).

—The context of situation, often referred to as the social context, is created by the social activity in which the text is constructed, the role relationships among the interlocutors, and the function of language within the activity as well as the medium chosen (1978, p. 110).

—As Bakhtin (1952/1986) also notes above, texts are viewed from their overall “compositional structure” (1952/1986; p. 60) as well as at the lexical and grammatical level. In the Hallidayan model, texts are viewed at the level of the rhetorical structure of the text, the lexicogrammatical choices made, and the lower level of graphemes and morphemes.

A Social Theory of Learning

Given the nature of the language learning objectives in Thai adult EFL contexts, namely for learners to gain control over the co-construction of a variety of text types within a variety of social contexts, a social interactionist view of learning is posited. In fact, much genre pedagogy is firmly grounded in theories inspired by L.S Vygotsky (1978) and Jerome Bruner (e.g. Wood, Bruner and Ross, 1976), both of whom foreground the social, contingent supporting role of expert others in the course of appropriating social processes. It is important to locate this view of learning within the broader context of educational theory, especially as related to recent curriculum-centred (Skinner, 1968) and student-centred (Piaget, 2000) theories of learning.

Approaches to learning that are grounded in the work of Vygotsky and Bruner are often labelled sociocultural approaches (Lantolf, 2000; Moll, 1990; Rogoff and Lave, 1984). A sociocultural approach to learning views learning as the transformation of participation (or the appropriation of new forms of social and cultural ways to act in the world) in concrete social activities (Engestrom, 1999), and can be contrasted with curriculum-centred approaches, which view learning as the successful transmission of knowledge from an expert other (c.f. Skinner, 1968). Further, student-centred approaches, which conceive of learning as the successful acquisition of knowledge from an expert other (c.f. Piaget, 2000) differ fundamentally from a sociocultural approach.

The pedagogical implications of this approach lie in the view that, rather than knowledge being transmitted or acquired, knowledge is socially and culturally constructed (Vygotsky, 1978), hence the metaphor of transformation, which suggests that at the individual level, learners internalise “…culturally given higher psychological functions” (Engestrom, 1999). Thus, what and how the English language learner learns is dependent upon what opportunities for the appropriation of new ways of acting in the world using English language meaning-making resources the teacher provides. Put simply, the sociocultural view of language learning foregrounds the interactions the language learner has with expert others (both teacher and fellow learners; Donato, 1994; Tharp and Gallimore, 1988) during meaningful, concrete human activity. It is neither a curriculum-centred approach nor a student-centred approach; rather, it is a teaching/learning centred approach.

A Teaching/Learning Curriculum Framework

A teaching/learning curriculum cycle developed by Martin and colleagues (Macken et. al., 1989, cited in Cope and Kalantzis, 1993) through the Disadvantaged Schools Program in Sydney, Australia forms the framework for the teaching/learning cycle used in this project. This cycle "…attempts to engage students in an awareness of the social purposes, text structure and language features in a range of identified text types or genres" (Callaghan, Knapp and Noble, 1993:180).

The cycle begins with field-building activities; that is, activities aimed at immersing the learners in the context of culture (Halliday, 1978) and the social purpose of the spoken texts, their temporal and spatial contexts, the roles and relationships of the interactants, and the role of language within the activity, as well as the medium chosen. This is essentially Halliday’s (1978) context of situation described above. The cycle then moves on to text modeling and a deconstruction of the text. This involves analyses of the rhetorical staging of the spoken text, the lexical and grammatical resources used, and prosodic features of the text. Next, joint production (or co-construction) of similar spoken texts is carried out by the teacher and learners, leading to independent co-construction of texts by the learners themselves. The cycle is recursive; the teacher can enter each stage where necessary, and return to the various stages based on the students' needs (see below). The attraction of the cycle is best summed up by Callaghan, Knapp and Noble (1993), "[the curriculum cycle] requires that teachers be clear about the reasons they are in any one stage at any particular time…the more clearly defined each language activity, the more specific each of the learning outcomes for the activity can be" (1993:181).

Teaching/Learning Cycle for Oral Skills Development

Below is an outline of the teaching/learning cycle that has been adapted for the teaching and learning of oral skills in the context outlined earlier in this paper. For sake of convenience, it is presented in a linear format, however it is important to reiterate that the cycle is recursive; it is possible to enter each stage of the cycle at any time during a lesson or unit of work. For example, the students may already be familiar with the social context, thus the first stage could be skipped. Further, some students may face difficulties in the independent construction stage, thus the joint construction stage may be re-entered (Feez, 1998) as a whole class or small group activity. This contingency management (Tharp and Gallimore, 1988) is a central role of the teacher, and is employed through a comparison of explicit goals and objectives of learning activities with actual student performance. If the goals and objectives are available to the learners, and, in fact if they are co-constructed with the learners (Nunan, 1988), it is possible that not only the teacher, but also fellow learners can assist performance throughout the cycle (Donato, 1994; Tharp and Gallimore, 1988).

The Teaching/Learning Cycle

Building the Context


• What is the social purpose of the conversation?

• What is the goal of each speaker in this kind of conversation?


• What objects, ideas, opinions, etc. are often talked about in this context?

• Where does this kind of conversation occur?


• What role does each speaker have in the conversation?

• What kind of social relationship do they have?

• What kinds of attitudes, opinions and activities characterise each speaker?


• Is this face-to-face communication? Telephone? E-conferencing? Etc.

• What is each speaker doing while he or she is talking?

Modelling and deconstructing the conversation


• What are the major stages of the conversation?

• What stages are necessary and what kinds of optional stages could there be?

• How does this kind of conversation differ from others?

Grammar and vocabulary


• How do pronouns and conjunctions make the conversation more cohesive?

• What conversational gambits help the conversation flow?


• What key grammatical functions in the conversation should be focused on?

• What is grammatical form of each of these functions?


• What key elements of the noun group, verb group and prepositional group should be focused on?


• What key sounds, stress patterns, intonation patterns should be focused on?

Joint production of a conversation

• Modelling a conversation between teacher and students and between students.

• Teacher assists performance.

Independent conversation

• Students create their own conversations.

• Teacher and peers assist performance.


• Individual conversational partners enact conversation for class, or for other groups.

• Teacher and peers assist performance.

• Enter any of the previous stages as needed.

Practical Application of the Teaching/Learning Cycle for Oral Skills

The teaching/learning cycle was trialled by the writer and a group of 13 adult and young adult EFL learners during a lower-intermediate course at the AUA Language Centre, Bangkok, Thailand. A vignette of one lesson is included in Appendix A. A series of possible activities, and a record of actual activities of the sample lesson are provided below.

Using Role Plays

Upon reading the vignette of the lesson (Appendix A), it will be immediately apparent that role play has been utilised at various stages of the lesson. This is a conscious decision of the teacher, and reflects the need to promote communicative oral practice in the classroom. Role play also serves a vital role in assessing student performance at various stages of the teaching/learning cycle; it not only helps the teacher to assess performance, it also functions as an awareness-raising tool for the learners. For example, the third role play (discussed further, below) was undertaken at the context building stage of the cycle. The social purpose, field, role relationships and mode of discourse had been covered through the unfolding drama of the shopping expedition, however an examination and deconstruction of sample texts, including rhetorical staging, key lexis and grammar and salient pronunciation concerns was yet to come. By having the learners perform at their current level of ability at this stage allows both the teacher and the learners to gauge the actual developmental level through independent problem solving, and thus establish, in various forms, goals and objectives to raise performance to higher levels. Thus, in this instance role play is providing a measure (for the teacher and the learners) of a learner’s zone of proximal development (Vygotsky, 1978), which is defined as:

…the distance between the actual developmental level as determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem solving under adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers. (Vygotsky, 1978, p.86)

It is this synthesis of the construct of scaffolding (Wood, Bruner and Ross, 1976) in the zone of proximal development (Vygotsky, 1978) that forms the foundations for the sociocultural theory of learning discussed earlier. In the context of the sample lesson described in this paper, role play provides data which helps the teacher develop an understanding of the learners’ acts so that, at the various stages of the teaching/learning cycle s/he can:

…recruit [the learner’s] attention, reduce degrees of freedom in the task to manageable limits, maintain “direction” in the problem solving, mark critical features, control frustration, and demonstrate solutions when the learner can recognise them. (Wood, Bruner and Ross, 1976, p.99)

The Lesson within the framework of the Teaching/Learning Cycle

Bellow is the lesson applied to the framework of the teaching/learning cycle. The left hand column indicates in general terms activities that the teacher and students can engage in at each stage of the cycle. The right hand column indicates the actual activities that were carried out during the lesson described above.

Assisting Learning

Building the Context

Pictures, video, students' own recall of past experiences

Vocabulary building tasks, role plays (students role play achieving purposes and goals), focused listening of sample dialogues

Establish the relationship between the speakers (equal/unequal --formal/informal, etc)
Focused listening to a sample dialogue, analysing students' role plays
Is this speaking while doing something else, or is the main activity speaking?

Modelling and deconstruction of text
Jumbled dialogues, students reorder the stages, students name the stages

Delete stages and analyse whether the purpose and goals were achieved

Compare/contrast different dialogues

Gap-fills in dialogues, pronoun trace tasks, creating multiple clause sentences
Identifying words or phrases that "keep the conversation going"

Students analyse/identify "how someone said something" to achieve his/her goal
Grammatical tasks focusing on form
Relate vocabulary tasks in 'building the field' section above

Pronunciation recognition tasks, pronunciation drills, minimal pairs, etc

Joint construction of text
Open class Role plays, problem solving dialogues, casual conversations, etc between teacher and students and students together

Independent construction of text
Students work in pairs/threes to create dialogue

Self assessment, peer assessment, teacher assessment using observation, video recording, audio recording Example

A service encounter: returning faulty goods to the store

Students discuss prior experience of purchasing and returning faulty goods

Students brainstorm items they like to buy (nouns) and problems that can occur with the item(participles e.g It's scratched).
Students role play returning a faulty item.
Students listen to a sample dialogue.

Check that students understand the level of formality and the service-customer relationship (check during role play above and through focused listening)
Video would be useful, but in this case, groups brainstormed all activities that accompany this dialogue (e.g. checking faulty good, handing over receipt, going to store room, etc)

Students were given strips, each containing one stage. In groups, they ordered the stages, then listened to the dialogue again and revised

This stage was omitted

The level of formality and staging of a previous dialogue were compared with this dialogue

The transcript of the dialogue was analysed for pronoun references (personal and impersonal) and ways to express more than one problem with a good. Also, ways that the salesclerk could offer reasons for the faults. Gambits not covered

Students re-ordered jumbled sentences that stated problems with goods (e.g. The handbag is scratched and there's a tear inside). Further vocabulary development was done through the students drawing the item and labelling problems

'ed' endings (e.g scratched, damaged) were highlighted - extra syllable noted and practiced in a pronunciation game with minimal pairs

Teacher and a student role play --class observes. Repeated with two students.

'Closed pair practice'

Students formed groups of 3 -- one student observed and gave feedback on the role play -- repeated changing roles
Teacher observed and assessed selected groups, giving feedback on role play and the process of peer feedback

Comments on the Performance of Two Learners during Dyadic Text Production[3]

May and Urn worked through most of the lesson as a dyad. In fact, throughout the course they enjoyed working together; they demonstrated many excellent examples of how students can assist each other in language learning activities. They each took on the role of expert other at different times, although May was more proficient in English overall.

Rhetorical structure, lexical and grammatical resources employed

In the lesson under discussion here, May and Urn took to role play activity 3 (returning faulty goods to the store) with enthusiasm, and demonstrated a firm understanding of the social purpose. The staging of their text indicates that they were not only familiar with the situation, but also with the social process of the service encounter[4]. The rhetorical structure of the text is:

Request for service>Statement of problem>Service available? Yes or no> Transaction of service> Exchange of goods> Thanks/Closure

In terms of the lexical and grammatical resources used, it is clear that both May and Urn used language appropriate to the register (a formal business encounter), as we can see by polite openings and closings, and the accommodating nature of Urn as service provider:

May: Can I change it?
Urn: Yes….you wait for me for for a minute/?
May: Yes/
Urn: /because* er I would like to check (o)first the stock room.
May: Okay. (enacted pause) YES, that's RIGHT. Can you wrap for me?
Urn: Yes.

It is interesting to note that the role play carried out in the independent construction stage is both longer (in terms of the amount of turns of each student), but also more complex in its staging. After significant scaffolding vis-à-vis the activities in the modeling and deconstruction stage, and the joint production stage, May and Urn clearly approached the creative, independent construction stage with much more knowledge of the field, particularly the optional stages that may be utilised. Hence, we find more authentic activities, such as the negotiating the complication of the exchanged item being bigger and thus more expensive, and the offering of a special service to offset the inconvenience of receiving a faulty good. The groundwork in the earlier stages of the teaching/learning cycle certainly appears to have provided the students with sufficient knowledge of the genre, a broader range of lexis and grammar, and the motivation to take to the independent construction stage without undue uncertainty, a problem with many “free practice” speaking activities in Thai adult language classes.

Part of the learning objectives (as dictated by the course syllabus) was to gain an awareness of the form and function of specific language features (describing the problem with a damaged consumer good). It is clear that neither May nor Urn utilized these resources in their initial role play (and the other six dyads, as far as the teacher could ascertain did not either). Therefore, this role play did suggest this as one area of focus in the forthcoming stages of the cycle. As can be seen from the independent construction stage later in the cycle, both learners employed more lexical and grammatical resources to describe faulty goods:

(Note May’s use of clauses using participles as adjectives)

May: Uh…Yes…uh yesterday I buy a… a BLACK bag..handBAG. A black handBAG. Yes. But...I went home I get uh some problem. This handbag inside there is uh… inside…inside the handbag is torn.
Urn: Is torn?=
May: =Yes a::nd the outside of the handbag is scratched.
Urn: Hm Mm?
May: And then I…I see the stripe…the strep (strap) of the handbag is loose so I would like t:o give this for this problem.

(Note Urn’s attempts to use the participles as adjectives by repeating the problems)

Urn: …Uh…is to::rn?
May: Yeah.
Urn: And…scrat.

Peer assistance during independent co-construction of text

In the role play enacted in the context building stage, there is little to suggest that May and Urn provide assistance to each other in their endeavours to use English to get the job of exchanging a faulty good done successfully. However, in the follow up role play, two interesting phenomena emerge.

First, note how May assists Urn with her pronunciation of ‘ed’ endings, a feature worked on the deconstruction stage.

Urn: And…scrat.
Urn: =scratch

Although Urn’s final production of the word ending is not successful, it is clear that May took on the role of expert other at this point. It might be inferred from this episode that the assistance offered was not within Urn’s immediate zone of proximal development (Vygotsky, 1986).

Second, note below how Urn has set herself the goal of attempting to successfully use the comparative structure, which was not a focus at any of the stages of the cycle, but had been in a previous unit of work. This indicates the agentive nature of the language learner (Lantolf, 2000) and is a good reminder of Vygotsky’s (1978) premise that learning always has a history and precedes development. It is also a reminder of the understanding within a sociocultural approach to language learning that learning is not a linear process, but a process where development moves forward at times, and backwards at others (Aljaafreh and Lantolf, 1994). Urn, an active agent in her own language learning, took a socially situated opportunity to develop her ability to use a grammatical structure more successfully.

Urn: Okay. I check the new one, but…uh…BIGGER THAN…than you…than uh bigger than than the one before yours…bigger than the one=
May: =okay never mind. I.. I.. I like this handbag. Can I exchange that?
Urn: Yes, but same style, but BIGGER than that one.
May: Okay. Never mind. I don’t MIND.

Summary and Conclusions

The preceding section offers a brief but necessary view of some sample data from two of the stages from the teaching/learning cycle. This exploratory study was made in order to identify possible areas of future inquiry. The main area that this writer will explore is the nature of peer scaffolding during classroom language learning activity. Oral activities in the classroom are often done with simultaneous small groups of learners; therefore the possibility of the teacher being on-hand to provide assistance as needed is almost non-existent. The potential for learners to provide peer support in activities of this type offers some exciting future developments for language teaching pedagogy.

The teaching/learning cycle for oral skills developed here does not have universal application, but it is a highly useful heuristic for educators working with learners in high enclosure contexts. However, the application of the cycle requires practitioners to have a firm understanding of a sociocultural approach to learning and the social nature of language. Indeed, perhaps the only context in which the cycle can be successfully used is in a context where the practitioner has undergone a paradigm shift vis-à-vis the epistemological and ontological assumptions informing her or his approach to language and learning.


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The Strep is Loose and the Inside is Torn: A Day out Shopping in an Oral Skills Lesson

In this lesson, the main learning aims were to:

q Become familiar with the staging of casual conversation related to a shopping encounter.

q Focus on interactants' motives and conversational goals.

q Gain an awareness of register, particularly tenor (interpersonal features), in casual conversation.

q Gain an awareness of the form and function of specific language features (describing the problem with a damaged consumer good).

q Utilise role play to improve conversational ability.

Warm up 1

Class started with an introduction to the staging of a casual conversation: a chance encounter with a friend while out shopping. The scene was set - while you are wandering through the World Trade Centre (a popular shopping mall in downtown Bangkok) on a shopping expedition, you happen upon a friend. I elicited the various stages that could characterise such a conversation by taking on the shopper's role, and asking a student to take on the other role. While we 'role played' for the class, I noted the stages and some language samples on the black board. The other twelve students were listening quite intently, and the model was interspersed with laughter and light humorous moments from we two actors as well as the audience. The final stages appeared on the board something like this:

Casual Conversation


Small talk

Talk about…

Closing - Well, I have to go now. Nice to see you again. Nice talking to you.

Say Goodbye

After this model (and applause form the rest of the students), I asked a student to choose a partner and model the encounter for the class. As they progressed through their conversation, I assisted the flow a couple of times by pointing out the stage of the conversation that they could progress to. I did this once when a speaker abruptly ended the conversation, and a second time when there was a prolonged pause that if left unchecked may have caused discomfort with one of the speakers. After this model (and another round of applause), I directed the students to stand up and mingle around the room. Before they began, I reminded them of the context of situation - you are wandering through the World Trade Centre, on your way to begin some shopping, when you bump into a friend. You stop for a brief (5-minute chat). The class took to the task with smiles, energy and enthusiasm. I wandered around listening to various conversations, and noted that many of the pairs were spending most of the time talking about their shopping plans - where exactly they were going in the centre and what they were planning to buy. I also noted that they were referring to the stages written on the board, which seemed to help them keep going to a 'natural' close.

This prompted me to make an on-the-spot change to my lesson plan. Initially, I was going to have the students sit in groups of three and brainstorm things that they've bought recently and that they have had a problem with, naming the problems. I was going give them my own recent example as a frame:

a printer

- the paper doesn't feed

- the colours aren't clear

- the plug is loose

However, as the students seemed to be enjoying this mini role playing, and to help create a very clear context (in terms of field, tenor and mode) for the main part of the lesson, I made a quick call to extend this warm up.

Warm up 2 - leading in to the main context of the lesson

At a point during the role playing when it seemed most of the students had closed their conversations, I called everyone to attention and set a slightly different context. You have now finished shopping, and you're on your way out of the World Trade Centre. Just before you leave the centre, you see another friend. You stop for a brief chat and talk about things that you have just bought. The students commenced this second act of the morning with the same vigor and light-hearted fun that I always try to generate in free-speaking activities. I let this go on for a few minutes, and then asked all the students to sit down.

Context building: Using Role Play again

After the students had settled down, I elicited from a few of them what they had just bought on their shopping trip. A list went up on the board:

- a shirt

- a pair of shoes

- cosmetics

- a necklace

- a CD

- a T-shirt

- a watch

I then dramatised the next act of the morning. You have gone out shopping, chatted with a friend, bought what you needed, chatted with another friend, travelled all the way home, and now you are unpacking your bags. You open the bag, smiling and happy with your new purchase, and when you look at it (big frown on my face), you notice that there's something wrong with it. Look at my shirt, it has a (elicit from the class) tear in it (I frown…students laugh). What can I do? Students call out "refund", "go back to the shop".

"Okay", I said. "I'm the customer with my damaged shopping. Who wants to be the salesclerk?"

Ying[5] agreed, and we acted out for the rest of the class the conversation that takes place between the customer with a problem, and the salesclerk who is responsible for solving the problem. After this, I asked pairs (seated) to role play a similar situation.

At this point, I recorded May and Urn's conversation (see transcript 1, Appendix B).

Modelling a text

The next stage of the lesson involved listening to an encounter between a salesclerk and a customer - the customer bought a jacket and found several problems with it; therefore she has returned to the store. The listening task focused the students on the product, the problems, what the salesclerk offers to do, and how the customer responds. I played the tape and the students listened and discussed in small groups what they had heard.

Following this, I played the tape again, and asked the students to work in pairs and write down how the customer described the problems with her jacket. The following language features were reconstructed by the pairs and finally written on the black board by me:

It has a tear in the lining

It's torn in several places.

Some of the buttons are very loose.

There's a stain on the collar.

Through careful eliciting and focusing, I made the students aware of the grammatical form of these now decontextualised statements (use of have + a noun; use of is + past participle adjective). I then elicited three more examples from the students' recent role play (attempt to recontextualise) and wrote these on the black board. I led some pronunciation practice of the stress patterns and problem sounds of these statements, then I had the students work on some sentence-level exercises from their textbook to reinforce the grammatical forms of these language features. Finally, the students wrote the problems that they had had with the products they recently bought at the World Trade Centre.

To focus the students on the rhetorical staging of this kind of conversation, I next assigned them to groups of three and gave each group a collection of paper strips. Each strip had a functional label for each of the stages of the conversation that they had listened to. Their task was to put the strips in the correct order, as shown below.

Greeting and offering service

State what you want

Ask for details of the problem

Give details of the problem

Offer to solve the problem

Accept or refuse the offer

Offer to solve the problem again

Each group came up with slightly different orderings of the strips, so I played the tape and had them re-think their results. I then asked each group in sequence to tell me the functional stage of the conversation, which I wrote on the board (as above). A discussion emerged about what alternative ways there are to redress a problem with a recently purchased item, and I gave time to allow the students (as a whole class) to discuss these.

Joint production of the text

We were now ready to move on to a scaffolded, joint construction of the conversation, this time allowing the students the opportunity to use language features recently focused upon, as well as to follow a more 'scripted' act (however, as can be seen from the transcripts of May and Urn (see transcript 2, Appendix B), this did not result in any kind of formulaic or prescriptive framework, but rather, it gave the students access to a bigger tool kit form which to choose than before.

I asked for a volunteer and, like above jointly produced a conversation with the rest of the class looking on. I did this with another volunteer, and then had the same pairs as previously perform their role plays.

At this point, I recorded May and Urn's conversation (see transcript 2, Appendix B).



(Students negotiate roles)

Urn: May I help you?

May: Yes. Yesterday I..yesterday I bought a new shirt, but I get home..this shirt is too SMALL.

Urn: Small?=

May: =Yes.

Urn: We:ll…what can I do?

May: You can help me?

Urn: Yes…you have receipt?

May: Yes. Let me see. Here's a receipt.

Urn: Okay……How 'bout the shirt?

May: Yes. I would like to aah…same…aah…same colour? Uh the size I would like aah…size L large size=

Urn: =uh huh.

May: And…uh… uh this style.

Urn: Oka::y?

May: Can I change it?

Urn: Yes….you wait for me for for a minute/?

May: Yes/

Urn: /because* er I would like to check (o)first the stock room.

May: Yes wait a minute. Yes minute.

(Enacted pause 3 seconds as salesclerk goes to collect new shirt)

Urn: Oka::y? You can exchange.

May: Yes.

Urn: Uh. Little? You can check it again.

May: Okay. (enacted pause) YES, that's RIGHT. Can you wrap for me?

Urn: Yes.

May: Okay. Thank you very much.

Urn: You're welcome.

May: Okay. Bye by::e.

Urn: Bye by::e.


Urn: May I help you?

May: Uh…Yes…uh yesterday I buy a… a BLACK bag..handBAG. A black handBAG. Yes. But...I went home I get uh some problem. This handbag inside there is uh… inside…inside the handbag is torn.

Urn: Is torn?=

May: =Yes a::nd the outside of the handbag is scratched.

Urn: Hm Mm?

May: And then I…I see the stripe…the strep (strap) of the handbag is loose so I would like t:o give this for this problem.

Urn: May I take a look?
More aboutA Genre-based Approach to Developing Oral Skills in an Adult Thai EFL Context

Information Reports

Posted by Lana

Information Report ( What an entire class of things is like )
The function of an information Report is to document, organize and store factual information on a topic. Information Reports classify and describe the phenomena of our world, we used them when we talk about a whole class of things, e.g. “ Bike “ , By contrast, a Description only talks about one specific thing. e.g. “ My Bike “ information Reports are written about living things like plants and animals, and non – living thing like phones, bikes, or oceans.


The term “ report “ is used in everyday language to refer to many different types of factual text – news reports, science reports, weather reports, etc.

Information Report can contain information of various kinds, e.g.
Classification into different types ( subclasses )
- Are there different kinds of energy ?
- What are the different types of cloud ?
- What is the difference between frogs and toads
- How are plant cells different from animal cells?

An examination of components
- What is the earth made of ?
- What are the parts of compound microscope?
- What do fireworks consist of ?

A look at various aspects
- How big is the universe ? ( size )
- What is a gyroscope used for ( function )
- What do bears do in winter ( behavior )
- How is parliament organized ( system )

Language Features
- Generalized participants ; a whole class of things( e.g. volcanoes, newspapers, the royal family rather than specific participants.
- Some actions verbs ( material process ) , especially when describing behavior ( climb, eat, erupt )
- Many linking verbs( relation process ) ( is , are, has, have , belongs to etc. )
- Usually in the “timeless “ .
- Descriptive language , but factual and precise rather imaginative or lively e.g.
What they look like( color, shape, size etc )
What they have ( body parts, components . )
What they do ( habits, behavior, function , )
More aboutInformation Reports


Posted by Lana


One day, when I was 8 years old, I was in the second grade of elementary school. My father always picked me up before and after school at that time.
One Saturday, I got back from school earlier because all of my teacher had a meeting. So, I got back an hour faster than usual. I wanted to contact my father about this thing, but there was no cell phone at that time and it was hard to find any public telephone around my school. Then, I decided to wait for my father.
I had been waiting for 3 hours, but no one came to pick me. I was very confuse and scare. Then I started to cry because everyone had gone, at that time I was alone.
After I waited for 4 hours, my father finally came. He told me that he forgot to pick me because he had a meeting in his office.
I was very angry to him and did not want to talk with him for one day.
More aboutUNIT 2 TEXT SCRIPT 1


Posted by Lana


Some say he is a genius, others call him arrogant. What is certainly true is that Ayrton Da Silva Senna is the fastest man in motor racing. He won the World Championship in 1988 and 1990 and he has won more than twenty Grand Prix altogether.
Ayrton Senna was born on 21st March 1960, in Brazillia. At 5ft 9in ( 1m 76cm ) Ayrton is a little taller than most other racing drivers. He is good-looking, with short, wavy, dark hair and dark brown eyes.
Senna does not like to talk about his private life. His marriage in the early 1980s lasted a year. ‘To be married to a Formula One driver,’ he says, ‘Is an impossible lifestyle for a wife. But I will get married again’.
He has an older sister an a younger brother. His parents live in a large house in the north of Sao Paulo but Senna himself lives in Monaco, in Europe.
As far as hobbies go, he likes flying model planes. He also enjoys jet-skiing on water and flying with his father over the cattle country which his family owns in Brazil.
What motivated him to win ?. ‘ Driving doesn’t seem like a job. I started driving when I was four. I Love feeling the power of the engine and the wind in my face. When I drive, I experience new sensations and I always want more. That’ s my motivation ’.
More aboutTEXT SCRIPT 2


Posted by Lana

Eli My Best Friend

I Have a close friend. Her name is Eli. She is my classmate. She sits beside me in my classroom.
Eli is very beautiful. Her eyes are big with curve upward eyelashes. Her nose is pointed. Her lips are small and attractive. Her teeth are white and well arranged. She has a black spot under her left eye. Her height is 165 cm and her weight is 55 kg. She has and ideal body. Her skin is fair.
Eli has a hobby of singing. She usually sings in every event in my school. She likes to sing Malay song. Her favorite song is “ Laksemana Raja Di Laut “.
However, Eli has also a bad habit. Chewing gum during the lesson is her bad habit. She said that it is good to lessen stress.
More aboutUNIT 1 TEXT SCRIPT 1

Teaching Listening

Posted by Lana

Using Textbook Listening Activities
The greatest challenges with textbook tape programs are integrating the listening experiences into classroom instruction and keeping up student interest and motivation. These challenges arise from the fact that most textbook listening programs emphasize product (right or wrong answer) over process (how to get meaning from the selection) and from the fact that the listening activities are usually carried out as an add-on, away from the classroom.
You can use the guidelines for developing listening activities given here as starting points for evaluating and adapting textbook listening programs. At the beginning of the teaching term, orient students to the tape program by completing the exercises in class and discussing the different strategies they use to answer the questions. It is a good idea to periodically complete some of the lab exercises in class to maintain the link to the regular instructional program and to check on the effectiveness of the exercises themselves.
Integrating Listening Strategies With Textbook Audio and Video
Students can use this outline for both in-class and out-of-class listening/viewing activities. Model and practice the use of the outline at least once in class before you ask students to use it independently.
1. Plan for listening/viewing
• Review the vocabulary list, if you have one
• Review the worksheet, if you have one
• Review any information you have about the content of the tape/video
2. Preview the tape/video
• (tape) Use fast forward to play segments of the tape; (video) view the video without sound
• Identify the kind of program (news, documentary, interview, drama)
• Make a list of predictions about the content
• Decide how to divide the tape/video into sections for intensive listening/viewing
3. Listen/view intensively section by section. For each section:
• Jot down key words you understand
• Answer the worksheet questions pertaining to the section
• If you don't have a worksheet, write a short summary of the section
4. Monitor your comprehension
• Does it fit with the predictions you made?
• Does your summary for each section make sense in relation to the other sections?
5. Evaluate your listening comprehension progress
Teaching Listening
Assessing Listening Proficiency
You can use post-listening activities to check comprehension, evaluate listening skills and use of listening strategies, and extend the knowledge gained to other contexts. A post-listening activity may relate to a pre-listening activity, such as predicting; may expand on the topic or the language of the listening text; or may transfer what has been learned to reading, speaking, or writing activities.
In order to provide authentic assessment of students' listening proficiency, a post-listening activity must reflect the real-life uses to which students might put information they have gained through listening.
• It must have a purpose other than assessment
• It must require students to demonstrate their level of listening comprehension by completing some task.
To develop authentic assessment activities, consider the type of response that listening to a particular selection would elicit in a non-classroom situation. For example, after listening to a weather report one might decide what to wear the next day; after listening to a set of instructions, one might repeat them to someone else; after watching and listening to a play or video, one might discuss the story line with friends.
Use this response type as a base for selecting appropriate post-listening tasks. You can then develop a checklist or rubric that will allow you to evaluate each student's comprehension of specific parts of the aural text. (See Assessing Learning for more on checklists and rubrics.)
For example, for listening practice you have students listen to a weather report. Their purpose for listening is to be able to advise a friend what to wear the next day. As a post-listening activity, you ask students to select appropriate items of clothing from a collection you have assembled, or write a note telling the friend what to wear, or provide oral advice to another student (who has not heard the weather report). To evaluate listening comprehension, you use a checklist containing specific features of the forecast, marking those that are reflected in the student's clothing recommendations.
More aboutTeaching Listening

The desire is point of departure OF ALL BUSINESS SUKSES to obtain

Posted by Lana

1. Encouragement that brings PROPERTY
Some time ago the commander of a war face a situation that he should be encouraged to take a decision win in the battle field. He must send pasukannya to battle against the enemy terrain which is far greater than pasukannya own. So he told the child fruit forward with a road ride a number of boats, sail away, then landed in the enemy. After all the troops that came down, he commanded pasukannya to burn out all the boats that they tumpangi.
Before the war, he said progress on child fruit like:
"You see that our boat has become a gray, is not it? This means that we can not go home again leave this country before the beach steal victory in the battle dipihak us!
Because for us there is no other choice, we are ahead and win or we perish destroyed.
In fact they are winning!
Everyone who wants to win, then he must be willing to burn perahunya and cut out all the possible routes it can reverse. Only thus will he be able to achieve success is sure.

2. Fire bring SUKSES.
The morning after the big fire occurred in the city of Chicago, a group of traders gathered in the street while state visit to the puff of smoke that is still, that has been building and swallow stores them. They negotiate to make decisions, whether they need to rebuild the building that they, or should be moved to another place. In fact they all decided to move the course from chicago, but only one person called Marshall Field.
Traders who intend to stay that point toward a puff of smoke and said: "I will go back up a shop that tersbesar in the world, just above the fire place, and although I do not care how many times a store is to be burned again! "
Events that have lasted a century ago. Building that stood with perky, high-pitched clouds, as evidence of a determination that has been expressed in hasratnya unanimously.
In fact Marshall Field can only lead the way as easy as that adopted by the colleagues. If the situation has become difficult, so a trader can move where it ketempat a better, comfortable and profitable.
Note the difference between the location of Marshall Field with his friends the other traders. For this is the difference between the overt discrimination that is a reflection of the nature of success with people who give up easily.

How can change be a fact desire?
There are six ways how the desire to become a reality:
First, fill your mind with the amount of money (the target) that you want to get.
Not enough for you just say: "I want to have a lot of money!"
But you must specify the exact amount!
Set both with clear, what you want to give (korbankan) instead of money (the target) that you want.
Third Set a date (time) when you want to have money (target) is
Fourth Susunlah a plan to implement your desire, and start immediately. No matter whether you're ready or not, to change the plan berujud into one berbuatan real.
Fifth Write a short and clear statement about the amount of money (the target) that you want to get.
It is important for you to follow the instructions from the sixth step is the fruit. There is a possibility that you will complain that it does not you may be implemented before you sebdiri have the money. So the tendency is disinilah fiery is necessary to help you.
The desire that fiery akan it more easier for you to be sure of what you want it. The target is money or wealth or success of others. That way you'll convince yourself, that will surely obtain it.
Once you have the desire, desire that is believed will be achieved, along with do'a, then your mind will always want to prove that it can be achieved. But if you do not have the confidence to achieve the purpose, then your mind will always be working to prove / against that it may be impossible to achieve.

Imagine that you are a millionaire
For someone who does not like to take the initiative, or that it does not menghayati principles, then these instructions will not appear practical for him. This guidance will be helpful for people who are six steps that menghayati.
•         Look to Andrew Carnegie, the starting position as a regular worker in a mill. However, starting from the situation that is completely simple, then the principle that after the run, he successfully reached the money and property hundreds of millions of dollars.
•         Edison themselves acknowledge that the six principles that not only works to collect money, but also for the purpose of achieving any goals in life.
Steps that do not require working furiously from us. No request of any kind. Does not require higher education. Just enough people that have a strong imagination to see, understand, that to obtain money and property that we can not do it on the basis of chance, or disposed to chance, fate or wait for the fall straight course.
All those rich people who have succeeded, in the first dream was the first property, please put on it, want to obtain it, and crave a strong and to plan how to get rich before they successfully get the money.
Now you may also know that Andapun can become rich. Andapun but may not become rich without having your own desire to get that money. At the bottom you must make sure that the right you have a property that.

How strong is the influence of a dream!
The world who are searching for property this race we must realize that this is now required all new ideas, new ways, new leadership style, new invention, methode teach the new way of marketing the new, new reading materials, television is a new tool , progress in new techniques.
Behind all this there is one thing that we can not ignore, that is, the determination to achieve the goal and desire that fiery.
Those who successfully become rich is that they change what is impossible to be practical, which was not visible can be achieved, the latent energy to be processed building skyscraper, city-city factories, aircraft and anything that can add life This became more flamboyant and delicious.
In preparing the plan for the property, then you need not be affected by other people. Simply keep your spirit in the people most in the past that have left the value of human civilization. We can develop our talents and abilities in accordance with their example of that.
If what you want is good, and you believe that it is both correct, teruskanlah! not need to pay attention what other people say, because they also do not know that it is often kegagagalan also bring the possibility for us.
•         Edison dreamed of a lamp can turn on the power by electricity. He began to apply the dream becomes a reality. Perhaps he has experienced more than a thousand failures, but he was determined to stay on until the illusion that the dream into a reality. Those who dream of practical work into a reality and did not want to give up just so.
•         Wheelan has been a dream of cigar factories in the United States. It was later to become a reality.
•         Wright brothers dream of a machine that can fly in the air. Now all the people witnessed the man traveling with the aircraft into the ordinary.
•         Marconi dreamed of energy in the air, ether. Evidence is now so the fact that we can hear the news via radio and television around the world. But in the first of Marconi has been considered that he was mad, and throw him into prison and hospital insanity, because the presumption at the time impossible to send and receive the news without using a wire rope. Meanwhile, our world is full of opportunities plentiful, which is not likely to be. For those that can not understand it through their imagination.

How to launch towards the dream a reality?
To dream that launched towards the target the right fuel that is needed: the desire fiery.
That dream may not become a reality when we have the indifference, or do not malasan offs. Remember, good things, that all those who are successful in the first should have the beginning of the bitter, the struggle that takes energy, in order to be able to survive. When determining the most for a time it is experiencing a crisis.
•         John Bunyan wrote the famous book "The Pilgrin's Progress." After he dijebloskan into the prison, and punished by the others because pandanganny with the implementation of the religion. But the book that became one of the beautiful books in the world of English literature.
•         O'Henry has found himself as the author of great talent when he was a disaster in their lives. He entered the prison and suffered extraordinary, but he adored as a great poet in the United States as criminals and not criminal.
•         Charles Dickens started his career as a labor carpenters paste factory paint on the brand. Failure in love the first hole to penetrate his heart, so that he transform into one of the authors in the world but he percintaannya encourage composing the book. "David Copperfield" first, followed by many other books that reveal extraordinary spiritual wealth for the welfare of the soul many readers.
•         Hellen Keller a blind and mute since the period of child-kanaknya, but his name is now listed as one of the leaders of the world. All evidence of life is one that no one can be defeated by fate, unless he resign itself as a defeat.
•         Robert Burnsadalah an illiterate in pedasaan, living and lack of self-love drunk mabukan. Penderitaannya but he has brought in a beautiful garden. There he menanm pluck pluck thorns but rose as a beautiful result.
•         Bethoven is deaf. Milton blind. But their dream cast and the way they thought a reality that is very valuable for other people.
There there is a difference between want something with the ready to receive something. Not possible that someone can receive something not sure if he can obtain it. Therefore the way to be sure pikirannya first, and not just hope or want it. The open road is needed to inculcate confidence that. Mind that the road is closed and insular confidence or does not encourage the spirit of trying.
Camkanlah, that no business is higher that can bring prosperity and abundance for us than through scarcity and suffering.
A great poet ever write as follows:
I begin to live this normal,
the limit Rejeki milikkupun cheap.
But when I meet up lumbungku night,
hasilku the full abundance.
Life is for the employer.
That the wages of all weary payahku.
But once we determine the wage level for us,
pantaslah then the task is to bring the reward for us.
If I only work to redeem hutangku course,
then I will be disappointed and suffer.
But when I set the value of life,
then life will be paying a high price to myself.

Lack of desire to surpass our life
I once knew someone who according to the doctor since the birth will be deaf and dumb to contemporary life soon. But my opinion against the doctor. And I have the right to medical opinion against it, because I Himself the father of small children is it. But I save that resistance secretly in my heart.
In pikiranku I realize that my son should be able to hear it and talk. How?
I believe that must have way out. I am confident that I can surely find the way out. I will remember the words of gold speech Emerson "The whole way of life teaches us one for our confidence. Therefore we are only just be obedient. For each person there is always help available. We only listen to it. We need is the words the exact instructions. "
What word is the right guide? Nothing else is' desire 'and' willingness' us. That is the most precious above all. I crave that my child not to be deaf and dumb. Have a period of decline that is the desire, then I do not ever move back.
What can I do for the child? Pikiranku way to move in otaknya without assistance through the ear.
Once the child is mature enough to be working, then I can meet the streets pikirannya with a desire that fiery that he must hear. That we can carry akan kalahkan with one fact. And every day I updated this willpower, that my child can not be dumb and deaf.
The increasing age of the child and began to consider the environment, he could hear little by little. He really can not talk, but I believe he can hear.
I am happy to see this fact. For if he could hear a little, then surely he can develop the ability to hear is greater. Then there were something that gives great hope for me. Come from sources outside the allegations at all.
One event that change lives.
We bought a tool phonograf. When our children are listening to music, for the first time he appeared very cheerful while a fringe of the box phonograf. This phenomenon indicates a significant habit. And then we find out new, tulangpun that the dealer can be a good voice.
Not long after the events that happened, then I noticed that he could hear me clearly, that is, pay attention to the way gestures my lips, my hands while I put the finger on the bones of his head.
After he realized that the sound can catch me, then I shall inculcate in the consciousness that he pikirannya eager to hear and speak. Therefore I menceriterakan stories that contain elements to him feeling confident about yourself, raise imagination, and the earnest desire to be able to hear and speak normally.

He win a new world with only six cents.
After analyzing this event, then I tanamkan him confidence that he can achieve more than the other brothers. And that ability can be achieved with many roads. Teachers and friends in sekolahpun treat him with many friendly and encouraging hope for him.
Takala he started selling newspapers, I say that he can be a child who is ahead, because he was diligent and strong. His mother does not agree it sells newspapers. But secretly he borrow money from neighbors six Sen. That was the first capital to sell newspapers. On the first night he returned home, he sleeps soundly with the money clasped ditangannya Sen 45.
Seeing this my wife crying. He was compassionate. I even vice versa. I laugh because cheery. For precisely this self-trust for the son. And ability to stand on one's own is what makes him successful throughout his life age.

Deaf kid who can hear.
Children that we successfully passed the primary school, secondary school, to university. I do not care, even if teachers or friends to speak with a voice less loud or cry to him. However, we do not want to send him to school for exceptional children's education deaf mute. No! We wish that our children live in the middle of its normal environment of the normal.
And after the many times he heard the other person as normal. It directly handle the phone and speak with his mother. Teachers and friends now do not have to cry again. Now he can interact with everyone without receiving treatment mouthed.
A new world opens for him now.

Thought that the way to create miracle.
Akan ability menghayati aware that new world, so he wrote a letter to the company's electronic organ of hearing, about her experiences and propose specific suggestions. Company itupun hearing him make the call letter.
He was given important positions in the factory, because the fruit pikirannya many technical refinements to improve organ of hearing, thereby providing opportunities for millions of people with disabilities who are deaf can hear and think like normal people.
He has participated to bring hope and relief for millions of people, if without that assistance will still be only a man deaf and dumb forever.
One desire that fiery himself in order to be able to listen, speak and live as a normal human being after he was encouraged that idamannya achieved. He was born in a deformed body, which impede the very progress for him. But now he can fully overcome the obstacles.
Indeed, there is no wrong or something that does not actually wrong. Provided that people have confidence fiery desire, then that person can change the constraints that bitter bitter reality that it becomes sweet. And the possibility of such a wide-open to anyone also.

When Edwin C. Barnes for the first time coming down from the ship at the time of more than fifty years ago, tampangnya such as the beggar, but the way pikirannya rich as kings.
In the way to the Edison home, the road pikirannya can not be silent. He imagine himself standing before Edison the opportunity to ask something that can fill their lives. He truly has a desire that fiery.
Hasratnya is not just a hope, not just the one desire, but a desire to be flaming that can transform things. One tendency is certainly figured.
Some years later, Barnes faced again with Edison, but hasratnya is already a reality. What he first dreamed of it has become a reality.
Barnes succeeded because he chose a target that. He share all your energy, attention, business, and what to achieve that target.

People burn the bridges
Barnes five years working as a business partner Edison. What he is tired as a result of what he hasratkan before. That he place the target on all the other targets. He plan to achieve that purpose. He burnt all the bridges that have been behind it skip back. He still hold the firm until hasratnya it became a reality
Time Barnes initially wanted to meet Edison, he does not say: "I will try to be there pengaruhi Edison buatku job."
No, he even said: "I'd like to meet and ask Edison attention, that I am truly eager to be a friend sekerjanya"
He also does not say: "I will see another see-first, if I fail with this Edison"
But he said: "There is only one thing that I intend to do, which is a collaboration with Edison. I will burn all that I've lalui in the past, and begin to build a future based on the ability of myself "
Bit he does not want to let him step back. He was determined to win, if not, then he will have a downfall.
More aboutThe desire is point of departure OF ALL BUSINESS SUKSES to obtain


Posted by Lana


One can hardly deny that English plays a very important role in the major aspects of life in this global era. It is the most widely spoken language in the world, with more than 300 million speaking it as the first language, more than 200 million people speaking it as a second language, and over one billion people speaking it as a foreign language (Crystal, 1997). It is observed that most of the books of science and technology are written in English and much scientific information available on electronic media is also presented in English.
In Indonesia, English is one of the foreign languages taught, beginning from Elementary schools up to university. At the elementary level, English is taught as a local content at year one until three, while at year four to six, it becomes compulsory subject with two periods a week. At junior and senior high schools, English is offered as a compulsory subject with a time allocation four periods a week. At the university or college, it is accorded for two to six credit-hours and the curriculum focuses on English for specific purposes.
The objective of teaching English for Senior High school (SMA/MA) in Indonesia is to develop communicative competence in spoken and written English, and to gain informational literary level through developing skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Having the mastery of the competence, learners are hoped to own the consciousness about the importance of English as one of foreign languages, and able to be competitive in global era and also to improve the learners’ understanding between language and culture. ( Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan 2005: 2).
Zainil (2005:10) states that based on observations and experiences in teaching English at junior and senior high schools in Indonesia, in general, indicate that the teachers have done communicative language teaching for several years based on their different perceptions and understandings. Few teachers teach English in real situation, most of them do it inartificial ones, and some in both. Most of them teach it in large classes and a few teach it in small ones. A lot of them are not successful.

In the same case, most of the students as the language learners are passive. A lot of them are shy to use English in real communication. Many of them pay attention to forms and rules when they communicate with others. Most of them do not practice English in real communication and situations. Only few practice English the classroom. Most of the learners fail in acquiring English.
Suwarsih (2002: 142) points that a layman’s observation has indicated that senior high school graduates who have learned this language for six years, with almost 900 hours of school teaching, are unable to use this language for communication purposes. This phenomenon can also be observed among university graduates and even among faculty members, then that the teaching of English has so far been unable to achieve its declared goals despite many efforts made to improve its quality.
Many factors influence the students to gain the instructional objectives of English, such as, the students’ learning motivation, attitude and interest, the competence of the English teachers, lack of learning facilities , the students’ inadequate basic knowledge, irrelevant method and ineffective implementation of communicative approach and the reluctant English language learners in teaching and learning process. Among those factors, the reluctant language learner and its solution is discussed in this paper.

Dealing with language learning, Julian (1994:15) points out that ‘the key to learning is motivation. Never forget that’. It can be inferred that the higher the motivation, the better the achievement will be. The problem is that many students in Indonesia particularly in Riau province show low motivation in learning English. They come to class to fulfill their attendance list. Most of them are passive in teaching and learning process. Only some are brave to communicate in English. They are shy to speak English. They feel hesitate that they produce a lot of mistakes when they communicate in English Almost none of them practice English outside the classroom especially in rural areas.. Some learn English in order to gain their English grades.

The previous facts observed, experienced and researched indicate the teachers of English do not do the concepts of classroom techniques of communicative language teaching very well yet and t he students do not apply the good language learning strategies yet. Thus, to do the concepts, the teachers should understand them and to apply the strategies, the students should be able to apply them in teaching and learning process. The problem is ‘how is the solution to the problem of motivating the reluctant language learners?’. This paper tries to answer this question by discussing the related theories as. 1) the teaching guidelines to the teachers to use the classroom techniques in teaching and learning process.; 2) the learning guidelines for students to apply the good language learner strategies.
Developing communicative competence is one of the concepts of classroom techniques of teaching English. Hymes and Gunpens (1972:VII) state that communicative competence means ‘what a speaker needs to know to communicate effectively in a culturally significant setting’. Savignon (1983:9-43) supports the idea and discusses the four components communicative competence: grammatical competence, sociolinguistics competence, discourse competence, and strategic competence. Grammatical competence is the ability to recognize the lexical, morphological, syntactic and phonological features of language. Sociolinguistic competence is the ability to understand the appropriate meaning in social and cultural contexts. Discourse competence is the ability to interpret the communication of a series of sentences or utterances to form a meaningful whole. Finally, strategic competence is the ability to use the strategies to compensate an imperfect communication such as doing repetition, avoidance, guessing, or shifts in register and style in sustaining communication.

In developing communicative competence, the classroom techniques put more emphasis on the ‘use’ than ‘usage’. Usage then is one aspect of performance, that aspect which makes evident the aspect to which the language user demonstrates his knowledge of linguistic rules. Use is another aspect of performance: that which makes evident the extent to which the language user demonstrate his linguistics rules for effective communication (Widdowson, 1983:3)

When the focus of teaching is on use most of the time, the teacher has already maximized the students’ exposure to natural communication. Dulay, et al. (1982: 261-269) in his discussions on the research findings, from Research to Reality: implications for the Teacher, state ‘maximize the students’ exposure to natural communication”. For instance, the teacher uses the classroom techniques such as asking the real questions, accepting nonverbal responses, and responding to content when communicating with the students.

The techniques should be oriented to problem solving whether in the application of the use or the usage to motivate the students to be creative. The students’ creativity does not come up in a short time. Every teacher and student should keep in mind that someone gets better in creativity over a long period of time. His/Her creativity can be developed by applying the problem solving in the process of teaching English in the classroom. When the students solve a problem, they think of the causes of it and the ways how to overcome it. If they do it regularly in English, they will think logically and systematically in English, too.

Furthermore, use, usage, and problem solving as discussed previously need the comprehensible input, listening and reading in English. They should understand what they listen and read in English. Considering the comprehensible input, the focus of classroom techniques should be on the use. Focusing on the use most of the time develops the students’ communicative competence of English. Developing communicative competence builds their acquisition of the language. Building their acquisition improves their fluency. Improving their proficiency shows their fluent verbal or non verbal performance in speaking English. This process works with their fluent verbal performance in writing as well. They speak or write English fluently.
Zainil (2005:13) points out that the emphasis of classroom techniques should be less on the usage or theories, rules and forms of English. Emphasizing the usage develops the students’ linguistic competence. developing linguistic competence builds their learning. Building their learning improves their accuracy. Improving accuracy shows their accurate verbal performance in speaking English. This process works with their accurate performance in writing as well. They speak or write English accurately but not fluently.

Brown (1994:11-12) points out that the teacher is the most powerful person in the classroom. There are many ways for the teachers to use that power. . The teachers must organize, provide security, motivate, instruct, model, guide, inform, give feedback, encourage and evaluate the language learners. The followings are described the characteristics of successful English language teachers, and they are the most important things that need to be taken care of:
1. Organization – Learners must feel that their activity is purposeful, that they are putting their efforts in to framework they can trust. Learners need just enough structure so that they feel supported, and just enough freedom so that they have room for themselves to grow.
2. Security – If learners feel safe, they will be more able to take part in the lesson if they feel that everyone in class, including the teacher, is on the same side, they may risk making mistake that they can learn from.
3. Motivation-some learners will be motivated to learn for external reasons, which is a big help, but all learners need to involved in class-work. This happens best when they are motivated by interesting tasks, when they are motivated by interesting tasks, when they experience success, and when they see the relevance of class work to their outside lives.
4. Instruction – Learners need to be told new things, and told how to do new things
5. Modeling – Learners need to be shown new things, and how to do new things
6. Guidance – Learners need a helping hand to discover new things and to practice new skills.
7. information-learners need sources of extra information about what they are learning, which they can call on as required.
8. feedback-learners need to know how close they are getting to their targets.
9. encouragement-learners need to feel that the language in the developing inside them, even if what they are producing at the moment seems unlike standard English.
10. Evaluation-some learners have external standards that must be reached, important examinations to pass or fail. They need to know where they stand.

The good language learner strategies are the ways used by the learners to acquire the language successfully. They should be learned by the Indonesian students of English. They are not well known yet by the students. Furthermore, they do not realize their language learning strategies. Therefore, the good language learner strategies are useful for the teachers to teach and for the students to study and practice. The strategies have been pointed out by theoreticians and researchers (Rubin, 1975; Rubin and Thompson, 1982; Nation, 1985 Willing, 1988, and Zainil, 1994) For example , Stern (1980) points out ten language learner strategies: 1) Personal learning style, 2) Active Approach to the learning task; 3) constantly searching for meaning; 4) willingness to use the language in real communication; 5) effort to learn to think in the language; 6) willingness to guess; 7) creativity in learning; 8) willingness to focus in messages, not grammatical rules; 8) willingness to focus in messages, not grammatical rules; 9) effort to make anxiety low, and 10) continuous high motivation to study.
Furthermore the teachers apply scaffolding that is by using ESO strategies to scaffold instruction that is to enable English language learners to learn better by increasing their level of interest and motivation. ( Reiss: 2005 : 7).

The characteristics of good language learners are as follows: (Brown 1994:9):
1). The students have a positive attitude about the language they want to learn and about speakers of that language. 2). They have a strong personal motivation to learn the language. 3) They are confident that they will be successful learners. 4) They are prepared to risk making mistakes and they learn from the mistakes that they make.5) They like to learn about the language. 6) They organize their own practice of the language. 7) They find ways to say things that they do not know how to express correctly. 8) They get into situations where the language is being used and they use the language as often as they can. 9) They work directly in the language rather than translate from their first language. 10) They think about their strategies for learning and remembering and they consciously try out new strategies.
Various ways have been done to motivate the reluctant language learners:

• Impromptu speak
• Speech contest
• Story telling
• English debate
• English discussion
• Role play
• Poetry reading
• English song

After implementing those activities for several years, it shows that the result is not satisfying because they only involve limited numbers of students. At last, the solution to motivate the reluctant English language learners in Indonesia by establishing “English Speaking Community” at schools.


The teacher is the most powerful person in the classroom in order to motivate the reluctant language learners .The teachers must organize, provide security, motivate, instruct, model, guide, inform, give feedback, encourage and evaluate .the language learners. The good language learner strategies are useful for the teachers to teach and for the students to study and practice. Furthermore, the language learners apply the good language learner strategies, and understand the characteristics of good language learning. They own high motivation, positive attitude, self confidence, being prepared to risk of making mistakes, good interest toward English
The solution to the problems is that the teachers understand and apply the concepts of classroom techniques and be able to make the learners motivated and interested in learning English by using ESOL scaffolded strategies in teaching and learning English language in Indonesia. The good way to motivate the reluctant English language learners in Indonesia is to establish English Speaking Community at schools.

Daisan no literary Shinjin

Posted by Lana

Group of authors called Daisan no Shinjin (New Faces Third) appeared between the years 1952 to 1953. This incident marked the acceptance of Akutagawa Prize.
A. Start Kesustraan Daisan no Shinjin
Naming Daisan no Shinjin began a review of the literature critic Yamamoto Kenkichi entitled "Daisan no Shinjin" (1953) in the magazine Bungakukai against the author-the author of the Daisan including no Shinjin. They appear after terbentuknya after a kemapanan Sengo Bungaku the dipelopori by Author Shiina Rinzo, Noma Hiroshi, Umezaki Haruo, Ooka Shohei, and Mishima Yukio.
Daisan Although no Shinjin appear after kemampanan Sengo Bungaku but Daisan no difference with Shinjin have Sengo Bungaku, that is not like political ideology, and metaphysics degree of thought they have is very small. They are more important sensitivity, and sensitivity to the art itself from the use of the theme, except Shusaku Endo.
The situation in the country when Japan Daisan no Shinjin this appears very stable and there kecendrungan consumerism membaiknya in relation to the Japanese economy as the impact of war Korea. Therefore, Daisan no Shinjin is sometimes called Aitai Anteiteki which means no Sakka Author Zaman Stable (by Okuno Tateo) or Tokuju Bungaku Author consumerism means that (by Hattori Tatsu). Previous Japanese experience a difficult period, that is, when berkecamuk World War II and the period-the period thereafter when Japan tried to rise again from the debris-debris destruction. Bitter experience when the young are still young at the time of war to make the author-composer Daisan no Shunjin not like and are very careful of the political ideology of the Left and Right.
B. Some Author Daisan no Shinjin
1. Yasuoka Shotaro, is very sensitive and sympathetic to the human Outsider, which is due to many people that it can be less well received in the community or may also be less because the place itself. Yasuoka Shotaro while still studying at Keio University Falkutas Literary never get a summons to enter the army, but because in the contract the lung disease is not so sent to the front line. Experiences are often included in his work. One of the paper-work to get a good response is Warui Nakama (1953), Umibe no Kokei (1959) and Shichiya no Nyobo (1960), which is considered a masterpiece that characterize the disease and the death of a mother who is old.
2. Yoshiuki Junnosuke with the book titled Shu'u (1954). This book is considered to have a high value of art, depict a psychological element of the youth who love the prostitute. He tried to describe the nature of womanhood in the streetwalker, and also vice versa, describe the nature of the prostitutes there are in normal women. The other works that describe the case this is Suna no Ue no Shokubutsugun and Hoshi to Tsuki no Ana wa Ten (1966). Yasuoka Shotaro same with that because it tertolong, Yoshiuki Junnosuke who studied English Literature at the University of Tokyo is also not sent to the front line because the channel has a respiratory disease.
3. Nobuo Kojima with his Amerikan Sukuru (1954)
4. Shono Junzo with ulcer Saido Shokei (1954), novel Seibutsu (1960) and Yube no Kumo (1965) described family problems, among others, the contents kebahagian said that a family actually built on a foundation of shaky and dangerous. Previous Author Shishosetsu (before World War II), the author of the well-disposed maintain and defend the existence of the family, and the author of the family-the family that has a sound wall dirubuhkan so difficult and sometimes at the same time serve as a stronghold in a safe hiding place. However, Shono Junzo assume that the existence of the family as if made of cardboard that is not to be well built and will be easily destroyed in pieces. The view is like this in the dilukiskannya ulcer Saido Shokei, pembaa create fear and doubt, so that readers are expected to try to re-assessment of the existence of families of each. Shono Junzo after Kyushu University graduate had served in the navy, previous work in the office one of the broadcast, he also lived in the United States more or less a year on the invitation a foundation in the United States. Experience in the United States poured in novel Taizaiki Gambia (1959) obtained a positive response from the community
Previously, Agawa Hiroyuki with Haru no Shiro (1952) receives award Yomiuri. In addition to the author above, and Miura Jumon Sono Oyako also considered to be included as members Daisan no Shinjin.

As Daisan be that no Shinjin not like political ideology, and metaphysics degree of thought they have is very small. They are more important sensitivity, and sensitivity to the art itself from the use of the theme, except Shusaku Endo, who have a few differences and try to insert elements in his metaphysics. Therefore we will present a profile Shusaku Endo.

Shusaku Endo
Shūsaku Endo (远藤周作Shusaku Endo, 27 Maret1923-29 September1996) is a famous Japanese author of 20th century writing from a unique perspective as a Catholic and also the Japanese (in Japan embraces Christian less than 1%). Together with Junnosuke Yoshiyuki, Shotaro Yasuoka, Junzo Shono, Hiroyuki Agawa, Ayako Sono, and Shumon Miura, Endo categorized as one of the "Third Generation", the third large group of authors that appeared after World War II.
Endo was born in Tokyo in 1923. Not long after her parents moved and settled in Manchuria when the Japanese occupied it. When her parents divorced in 1933, Endo and his mother returned to Japan and live in his mother's home in Kobe. His mother became Catholic when Endo is still small, and then raise a Endo in the same religion. Endo baptized in 1935 when he was aged 12 years, and get the name of Paul Christian. After graduating from Keio University he wrote many essays about religion, and literary and Endo study French literature at the University of Lyon from 1950 until 1953.
Book-a book reflects the many experiences in childhood, including the stigma as outsiders, as the experience of foreigners, the life of a patient hospital care, and struggle with tuberculosis. However, the book-a book mainly discusses the braided moral life. Katoliknya faith can be seen at all levels in a particular book, and often are a central feature of his works. Most of the figure-tokohnya grapple with complex moral dilemmas, and options, they often bring a mix of tragedy. In this case, his work is often compared to the works of Graham Greene. In fact, Greene never personally Endo mention as one of the best writers in the 20th century.
One of the Shusaku Endo novel paper titled Chinmoku can be categorized as a religious novel. Start from basic reading some critical thinking about the relationship of literature and religion, particularly Catholic. His mother's devout Roman Catholic who embraces the soul influence the formation of religious Endo, who was baptized and then sit on benches at primary school. However, in their lives as the Catholic, he felt like Western shirt, and was suffering because the clothes do not match with it. Themes raised in the novel is the theme of improving Chimmoku Western clothing, which is not suitable for him, to become the kimono.
Endo, receive experience in the West, not only receive the difference in style of Western and Japanese culture, but also considers the spiritual traditions of Europe who see the long history of European eyes sharp as a Catholic nation. Of these attitudes, it can be said that the Endo as religious scholars, have attention to the value of the subjective views Katolikisme. This means, he put out the difference in the lives of Japanese people and pantheis West monotheis.
• White People (1955)
• The Yellow (1955)
• Sea and poison (1958): generally take place in the hospital Fukuoka, in World War II. This novel about the surgery carried out on pilot-American pilot who downed. Dikisahkan from first person perspective from one of the doctor-doctor, and a third person perspective of colleagues who dissect, experiment, and the sixth murder this flight. This story is based on actual events. This novel aired in 1986 with the title to Umi dokuyaku, disutradarai by Kei Kumai and dibintangi by Eiji Okuda and Ken Watanabe.
• People who Bodoh Interest (1959): The story about a French well but naive visiting Tokyo after World War II.
• Mount furious (1960)
• Girls who Kutinggalkan (1963)
• Foreign Studies (1965)
• Silence (1966): Endo of the most storied, generally regarded as adikaryanya. This is a historical novel, which relate an experience of Portuguese missionaries in the early 17th century in Japan who became apostate, but only a formality, since the faith because Kristennya still dipertahankannya. This novel was published as a serial in Kompas and then published in book form.
• Country Gold (1970)
• The Dead Sea (1973)
• Life of Jesus (1973)
• When I ping (1974)
• Samurai (1980): Historical novels, narrate Hasekura Tsunenaga diplomatic mission to Mexico and Europe in the 17th century.
• scandals (1986): This book is taking place in Tokyo, around a novelist trapped in scandals title.
• In the River (1993): novels that take place in India this relate physical and spiritual journey a group of Japanese tourists who have experienced a variety of spiritual and moral dilemmas in their lives each.
Akutagawa Award • 1955 --- White Person (Shiroi Hito "白い人")
• 1966 Award --- Tanizaki Silence (Chinmoku, "沉黙") (terj. language: "Silence")
More aboutDaisan no literary Shinjin

example of descriptive text

Posted by Lana

A man who is not so talented, and decided that the less successful, would take advantage if the potential for everything himself, he must wander to find the destiny, which will advise how to fix the problem. She began her long journey, and in the afternoon to meet a wolf day.
"How to Where?" Critical wolves.
"I find the destiny, the way mengahiri akan memberitahuku of the problems that have been kuderita throughout life."
"The chance is very wise. If you met her, I say to him that has for many years I suffered from headaches. Will you ask him how I could end this suffering? "
These men agree and continue to travel. Not long after, he met a night watchman in the city where he will spend the night. "Where you want to?" Ask the guard to the traveler.
"I find the destiny, the masalahku akan membantuku complete. I long to find a job that produces more than just despair and failure, "the man answered that this fatigue.
Charlie tells the traveler that he is also in the less fortunate perkerjaan, hours, working too long and gajinya very small. "Brother," said the guard, "if you have met the fate, Shall kautanyakan him how can I get all the kudambakan in this life"
Agree to the traveler, a rest that night, and tomorrow the same morning to continue travel. He arrived at the river and a greeted by a fish who asks tujuannya.Diceritakan all kisahnya to the fish. The fish said, "During life, I can not close the mouth. Berjanjilah, if it met the fate, akan kautanyakan how I can close the mouth and you will kuantarkan to ride with the punggungku. "The traveler agreed, and the fish across him on the back.
In the end, the man arrived at the house of destiny. At that time, the destiny was sitting rodanya play. The traveler told kesengsaraanya, about ketidakmampuannya find sustenance and a lack of talent. Wheel torque destiny of the nation for the wayfarer, and asked, "O man of good, there being another kautemui along perjalan earlier also requires that, my" man is suddenly remember on the fish, night watchman, and wolves, and told them the problem of each.
The destiny said, "To the wolves have only one drug. He must take the people in the kingdom terbodoh this new head will be healed sick forever. The fish can not close the mouth, because there are two grains jewel in his mouth. If you take the jewel, he will be able to close the mouth. Ordered to guard the night to dig in the corner of the wall of her house in the west sea. Bantu him, and you will find two large jug full of a gold. "
In return trip, the men met the fish. Entered hands to fish in the mouth, and take two grains of beautiful emerald. "Thank you," said the fish. "Take the jewel. That is a very expensive emerald. "
"I do not need stones this jewel," said the man is a jewel threw two grains are returned to the river. "Because the destiny of the nation already plays for Roda."
Next, he met the night guard and told jar containing gold. They menggai second jar, and the night guard to offer the traveler, half-gold that they find, but the man refused. He tells the guard that night was the chance to play for Roda nation.
Finally, he met the wolf, which asks about the journey. The traveler is to inform that the wolf's head to cure pain, he must partake of the most dim-witted people in the kingdom. "What is the destiny caraku mengenalikan said unto him?" A wolf.
The traveler acknowledges that he is sure to ask. Then, he told the fish pertemuanya and night watchman. Finally, the wolf jumps and pursue the men. "You throw the fish emerald and gold jugful reject, just because it has the chance to play wheel of fortune has untukmu.Kau get answers from the destiny. You do not take advantage of opportunities that you have a more dapat.Tak from you fool! "Then the wolves devour the man is healed and the pain of his head.
More aboutexample of descriptive text