If you want to fish off hickey, make sure you ensure the fish is a female and male hickey that you select
If you have, let us learn about how fish off hickey,
step by step splice fish hick
· Choose male and female mother an aggressive and active
· Separate between parent mother male and female, and given enough food for 5-6 days.
· Then enter each parent fish hickey into one container that has been laying the plants such as mumps water.
· Leave it up to 3-4 days, the eggs will stick to the leaves.
· Move hickey female parent and give food sufficient.
· After the eggs hatch, do not be fed until 2-3 days.
· Then during the next 2-3 days children hickey fish can be fed infusorians.
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sir my betta fry does not eat micro-org[infusorian].........so u have any solution......my email id singh.rahul295@gmail.com
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