1. Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam for High School (SMA) / Madrasah Aliyah (MA) A. Background Religion has a very important role in the life of mankind. Religion became in the effort to realize a life of meaning, peace and dignity. Realizing how important the role of religion for human life the internalization of values in the religious life of each private menajdi a keniscayaan, go through the educational environment in both education of families, schools and communities. Religious education is intended to increase the potential for spiritual and membetuk so that students menajdi people who believe and fear to God and have a certain noble. Morals mulia include ethics, moral character, and moral education as a manifestation of religion. The increase includes the potential for spiritual practice, understanding, and values of religious practice and values in the individual or collective life of society. Increased spiritual potential is ultimately aimed at optimizing the potential of the various human aktualisasinya reflect the dignity and dignity as creatures of God. Islamic Religious Education is provided by following the guidance that religion be taught to people with the vision to realize the people who fear Allah SWT and to have a certain noble, and aims to produce honest man, just, virtuous character, ethical, mutual respect, discipline, harmonious and productive, both personal and social. Demands the vision to encourage this development in accordance with standard kompetesi levels of schooling, which is marked with the national characteristics: 1. more drip beratkan achievement of full competency secata than penguasaaan materials; 2. accommodate the diversity of needs and resources available to education; 3. memberiklan a wider freedom to the educators in the field to develop strategies and programs seauai learning to the needs and availability of educational resources. Islamic Religious Education are expected to produce a human is always working to improve the faith, piety, and honor, and actively build a civilization and harmony of life, especially in the promotion of the dignity of the nation. Such a man is expected to delay in facing the challenges, obstacles, and the changes that appear in the association community in the scope of local, national, regional and global. Educators are expected to develop a method of learning according to the standards of competence and basic competence. Achievement of basic competencies all commendable behavior can not be uniform. All elements of the role of schools, parents and the community is very important in supporting the successful achievement of the goal Islamic Religious Education. B. Purpose Islamic Religious Education in the SMA / MA aims to: 1. menumbuhkembangkan faith through the provision of, fertilization, and development of knowledge, penghayatan, exercise, pembiasaan, as well as the students about Islam so that Muslims become a man of faith, which continues to grow and to Allah SWT ketakwaannya; 2. manuasia realize that Indonesia is obedient and have a certain noble man, namely that, worship diligent, intelligent, productive, honest, fair, ethical, disciplined, tolerant (tasamuh), to maintain harmony in personal and social and religious culture in the school community. C. Scope The scope of Islamic Religious Education includes aspects as follows. 1. Al-Qur'an and Hadith 2. Aqidah 3. Morals 4. Fiqih 5. Dates and Islamic Culture Religious Education Islam emphasizes balance, harmony, and harmony between the human relationship with Allah SWT, the human relationship with fellow human beings, human relationships with self and the human relationship with the natural surroundings. D. Competency Standards and Basic Competency Class X, Semester 1 Competency Competency Elementary Al-Qur'an 1. Understand the verses of Al-Qur'an about human and duties as the inheritors of the earth. 1.1 Reading QS Al-Baqarah, 30, Al-Mukminun; 12-14, Az-Zariyat; 56 and An Nahl: 78 1.2 the mean QS Al-Baqarah, 30, Al-Mukminun; 12-14, Az-Zariyat; 56 and An Nahl: 78. 1.3 Display behavior as inheritors of the earth as in QS Al-Baqarah, 30, Al-Mukminun; 12-14, Az-Zariyat; 56 and An Nahl: 78. 2. Understand the verses of Al-Qur'an about sincerity in worship. 2.1 Reading QS Al An'am; 162-163 and al-BAYYINAH 5. 2.2 the mean QS Al An'am; 162-163 and al-BAYYINAH 5. 2.3 Showing sincere behavior in worship as in QS Al An'am; 162-163 and al-BAYYINAH 5. Aqidah 3. Increase faith in God through the understanding of nature-are in Asmaul Husna 3.1 the 10 nature of God in Asmaul Husna. 3.2 Explain the meaning of 10 in the nature of God Asmaul Husna. 3.3 Displaying behavior that reflects the faith of the 10 nature of God in Asmaul Husna. Competency Competency Elementary Morals 4. Sink laudable behavior 4.1 understanding the behavior husnuzhan. 4.2 examples of the behavior husnuzhan towards God, themselves and fellow human beings. 4.3 sink husnuzhan behavior in daily life. Fiqih 5. Understanding the legal sources of Islam, law taklifi, wisdom and worship. 5.1 understanding of the position and function of Al-Qur'an, Al-Hadith, and diligence as a source of Islamic law 5.2 Explain the understanding, the position and function of law in Islamic law taklifi 5.3 Applying taklifi law in daily life. Dates and Islamic Culture 6. Understanding the pattern he built in the period of Makkah. 6.1 dakwah tell the history of Makkah Rasullah SAW period. 6.2 describe your strategy and substance dakwah Rasullullah SAW period Makkah Class X, Semester 2 Competency Competency Elementary Qur'an 7. Understand the verses of Al-Qur'an on Democracy 7.1 Reading QS Imran Ali; 159 and QS asy Syura; 38. 7.2 the meaning of Ali Imran QS 159 and QS asy Syura; 38. 7.3 Showing the behavior of living in democracy, such as Ali Imran QS 159, QS and asy Syura; 38 in daily life. Aqidah 8. Increasing faith to the Angel. 8.1 Explain the signs of faith in angels. 8.2 Showing examples of faith in angels. 8.3 Showing the behavior as a reflection of faith in angels in everyday life. Morals 9. Sink laudable behavior. 9.1 Explain the culture in dress, make up, travel, visit, and / or receive guests. 9.2 Showing examples of courtesy in a dress, make up, travel, visit or receive visitors. 9.3 practice courtesy in clothes, make up, travel, visit and / or to receive guests in everyday life. 10. Behavior avoid blame 10.1 Explain the envy, riya, injustice and discrimination 10.2 spite of the example, riya, injustice and discrimination 10.3 Avoid envy, riya, injustice and discrimination in everyday life Competency Competency Elementary Fiqih 11. Understanding the Islamic law of zakat, Hajj and charitable. 11.1 Explain the legislation on the management of zakat, Hajj and waqaf. 11.2 mentioning examples of charity, and pilgrimage wakaf. 11.3 Implementing provisions of legislation on the management of zakat, Hajj and charitable. Dates and Islamic Culture 12. Understanding the pattern he built in the Medina period. 12.1 dakwah tell the history of Medina Rasullah SAW period. 12.2 describe your strategy dakwah Rasullullah SAW Medina period. Class XI, Semester 1 Competency Competency Elementary Qur'an 1. Understand the verses of Al-Qur'an competition in favor of the QS 1.1. Al Baqarah: 148 and QS. al Fatir: 32 1.2 Explain the meaning of QS. Al Baqarah: 148 and QS. al Fatir: 32 1.3 Showing the good behavior to compete in such as in the QS. Al Baqarah: 148 and QS. al Fatir: 32 2. Understand the verses of the Qur'an al sympathize Dhu'afa 2.1 Reading the Qs. Al Isra: 26-27 and QS. Al Baqarah: 177 2.2 Explain the meaning of QS. Al Isra: 26-27 and QS. Al Baqarah: 177 2.3 Showing the Dhu'afa sympathize behavior such as contained in QS. Al Isra: 26-27 and QS. Al Baqarah: 177 Aqidah 3. Increasing faith to God's Messenger, Messenger 3.1 Explain the signs of faith in God Rasulrasul 3.2 Demonstrating examples of faith in God's messengers, the messenger 3.3 Displaying behavior that reflects the faith to the messengers, the messenger of God in daily life Akhlaq 4. Make it behave commendable 4.1 Explain the reptile and the king ' 4.2 Showing examples of repentance and the king ' 4.3 wont repent behavior and the king 'in daily life Competency Competency Elementary Fiqih 5. Understanding the law of Islam Mu'amalah 5.1 Explain azas-azas economic transactions in Islam 5.2 Provide examples of economic transactions in Islam 5.3 Applying economic transactions of Islam in daily life Dates and Islamic Culture 6. Understanding the development of Islam in the mid-century (1250 - 1800) 6.1 Explain the development of Islam in the mid-century 6.2 example of the development of Islam in the mid-century Class XI, Semester 2 Competency Competency Elementary Qur'an 7. Understand the verses of the Qur'an al maintain environmental sustainability Reading QS 7.1. Al Rum: 41-42, QS Al-A'raf: 56-58, and QS Ash Shad: 27 7.2 Explain the meaning of QS. Al Rum: 41-42, QS Al-A'raf: 56-58, and QS Ash Shad: 27 7.3 inure to maintain the sustainability of the environment such as in the QS. Al Rum: 41-42, QS Al-A'raf: 56-58, and Shad: 27 Aqidah 8. Increasing faith-book to the Book of God 8.1 Displaying behavior that reflects the faith of God's Book of Books 8.2 Applying wisdom to believe the book-the Book of Allah Morals 9. Sink behavior commendable 9.1 Explain the purpose of understanding and respect of others 9.2 Showing an example of respect of other people 9.3 wont appreciate the behavior of other people in everyday life 10. Avoid the disgraceful behavior of 10.1 Explain major sin 10.2 the example of sin 10.3 Avoiding big sin in daily life Competency Competency Elementary Fiqih 11. Understanding the provisions of Islamic law on the management remains 11.1 Explain the procedure remains management 11.2 corpse exhibit management procedure 12. Understanding the khutbah, and Tabligh dakwah 12.1 Explain the khutbah, and Tabligh dakwah 12.2 Explain the procedure khutbah, Tabligh and dakwah 12.3 parade khutbah, and dakwah tabliqh Dates and Islamic Culture 13. Understanding the development of Islam in the modern period (1800-present) 13.1 Explain the development of Islam in the modern 13.2 an example of the development of Islam in the modern Class XII, Semester 1 Competency Competency Elementary Qur'an 1. Understand the verses of the Qur'an al suggestion tolerant Reading QS 1.1. al Kafirun, QS. Yunus: 40-41, and QS. al Kahfi: 29 1.2 Explain the meaning of QS. al Kafirun, QS. Yunus: 40-41, and QS. al Kahfi: 29 1.3 inure intolerant behavior, such as in al Kafiiruun QS, QS. Yunus: 40-41, and QS. al Kahfi: 29 2. Understand the verses of the Qur'an al ethics of the QS 2.1. Al Mujadalah: 11 and QS. Al Jumuah: 9-10 2.2 Explain the meaning of QS. Al Mujadalah: 11 and QS. Al Jumuah: 9-10 2.3 wont work beretos behavior such as in Al Mujadalah: 11 and QS. Al Jumuah: 9-10 Aqidah 3. Day to increase the faith End 3.1 Displaying behavior that reflects the faith of the Day End 3.2 Applying wisdom to believe in End Day 3.3 wont appreciate the behavior of other people in everyday life Akhlaq 4. Sink behavior commendable 4.1 Explain the fair, Ridha and charity Shaleh 4.2 Showing an example of justice, charity and Ridha Shaleh 4.3 inure fair behavior, Ridha Shaleh and charity in daily life Competency Competency Elementary Fiqih 5. Understanding the Law of the Islamic Family Law 5.1 Explain the law of marriage in Islam 5.2 Explain the wisdom of 5.3 Explain the provisions of the legislation in Indonesia Dates and Islamic Culture 6. Understanding the development of Islam in Indonesia, 6.1 Explaining the development of Islam in Indonesia 6.2 Showing an example of Islam in Indonesia 6.3 Take wisdom from the development of Islam in Indonesia Class XII, Semester 2 Competency Competency Elementary Qur'an 7. Understand the verses of the Qur'an al development of Science & Technology Reading QS 7.1. Yunus: 101 and QS. Al Baqarah: 164 7.2 Explain the meaning of Jonah QS: QS and 101. Al Baqarah: 164 7.3 Conduct of Science & Technology as contained in QS Yunus: 101 and QS. Al Baqarah: 164 Aqidah 8. Qadha to increase the faith 'and Qadhar 8.1 Explain the signs of faith to Qadha' and Qadar 8.2 Applying wisdom to believe Qadha 'and Qadhar Akhlaq 9. Sink behavior commendable 9.1 Explain the purpose of understanding and unity and harmony 9.2 Showing an example of unity and harmony 9.3 sink behavior of unity and harmony 10. Avoid the disgraceful behavior of 10.1 Explain Isyrof, Tabzir, Ghibah and Defamation 10.2 Explain the behavior Isyrof example, Tabzir, Ghibah and Defamation 10.3 Avoiding Isyrof behavior, Tabzir, Ghibah and Defamation in daily life Fiqih 11. Understanding the Law of Islam Waris 11.1 Explain the law Waris 11.2 Explain the example implementation of the law Waris Competency Competency Elementary Dates and Islamic Culture 12. Understanding the development of Islam in the world 12.1 Explain the development of Islam in the world 12.2 Showing the example of Islam in the world 12.3 Take wisdom from the development of Islam in the world E. Development Direction Competency Standards and Basic Competency direction and become the basis for developing a basic material, learning activities and indicators of achievement for competency assessment. In designing learning and assessment activities need to pay attention to the Standard and Standard Rating. Competency Standards and Basic Competency Education Religion Islam (PAI) for the madrasah further developed by the Department of Religion. | ||
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Competency and competency of the LEVEL High School, MA, SMALB, SMK Mak AND
Posted by Lana on Friday, May 1, 2009
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